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Bayern Munich 1-1(3-4 On Pens) Chelsea (Champions League Final 19-05-2012)

1-0 - 83' Muller T.
1-1 - 88' Drogba D.

3-4 On Pens to Chelsea.

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4403d ago Replies(3)
FootballZilla4403d ago

It was just going to happen... i knew they was going to win it was destiny.. if chelsea would of conceded a goal in the last minute they would of scored straight after.

Unlucky Bayern

Anderson84403d ago

it did seem like teir name was always on the trophy.. as much as i dislike chelsea its nice to see the germans lose on pens for a change.. drogba was immense

buddymagoo4403d ago

Well done Chelsea!! First London club to win a European cup. Proud to be English!

And this is from a die hard Man Utd fan. Well Done! Done English football proud!

4403d ago Replies(3)

Probably the most undesereved Champions League win ever, but hey atlesst an English team won it.

Feel sorry for Tottenham though.

Gamer19824403d ago

I hate Spurs but I agree Chelsea don't deserve to be in the CL next year however the best team won in the end. I mean they beat Barca over 2 legs.

silvacrest4403d ago

i really dont feel sorry for spurs, i dont see them as a team that can compete with europes best, not yet anyway

Anderson84403d ago

i dunno if you get to the final beat the final and beat the reigning champs in the process then you kinda deserve it

kulka4403d ago

Worst Cl final I have ever seen. Bayern were so predictable for most of the game you really expect more from the home side.

Infernostew4403d ago

Bayern v. Inter was a lot worse. I hate Chelsea but I found myself rooting for them anyway. It's great to see an English team win and they were clear underdogs. It was a nail biter at times and the 80th minute and extra time was really exciting. Well deserved win for making it to the final even though they weren't the best side for the last 3 rounds.

FootballZilla4403d ago

I disagree it was better than what i expected..

oli4403d ago

They didn't play as defensive as when they played barca. Bayern's mistake was taking muller out, if this wouldn't have happened, bayern would have still been dangerous even without ribery.

Anderson84403d ago

what were you watching it was a great game

RedDevils4403d ago

I agree, I don't know why people think it boring, for me as a neutral it's very exciting to watch up to the shoot-out as well

Golden_Dive4403d ago

@Kulka - oh shutup, you want to see another instead chelsea huh.. fact that we smashed the double away from yall - I hope liverpool dont ever get Ucl futbol - especially the 80$ Million on your ovverated english players

kulka4402d ago

And a Chelsea fan talks to me about spending lol. Even though the club bought their way up.

Golden_Dive4402d ago

@kulka and a liverpool fan is bitter when daved luiz has scored probably way more than carrot head carrol - and torres too - your jealousy doesnt help - good luck with next season because we got alot of tournment prizes in mind

GanjaMan4403d ago

hahaa bitter lpool fan, go back to crying about queen kennys sacking (even though he got u a 8th league finish and a mickey mouse cup lol)

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