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Di Matteo confirmed as Chelsea boss

Roberto Di Matteo has signed a two-year deal to be the permanent manager of Chelsea.

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freeduck4379d ago

Took Roman this long to make a decision? Or did he not get the managers he wanted on his shortlist?

Golden_Dive4379d ago (Edited 4379d ago )

We were chasing Pep and Roman tried to convinve him but he wouldn't accept the agreementsince he wanted to take a break from football... So We stuck With RDM instead...

I heard Liverpool trying to bring a new passing football to the fans, with those type of players you got right now goodluck with that haha.

Corepred44379d ago

What's with the douche bag response? Bubble down.

Golden_Dive4378d ago

Worry about next year when messi dicks madrid... lol

Mozilla894379d ago

I think it was pretty much Pep or RDM from the start and Pep wanted a year off. I'm glad RDM got the job, why spend so much money after Pep when we might have the Chelsea version right under our noses?

goku323594379d ago

Yeah I'm really excited to see what RDM can do with a full year managing Chelsea, and what kind of tactics he'll use, and what players he'll get, and ughh...I'm just so pumped!!

The_Devil_Hunter4379d ago

His playing tactics are very Italian. Although Im more excited to see how he can implement Hazard and other players new comers (MAybe HULK) towards the team.

silvacrest4378d ago

well, it took roman long enough