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Arsenal FC-David Villa speculation dominates Twitter

Barcelona forward David Villa was 'trending' on Twitter on Saturday as a result of speculation linking him with a move to Arsenal.

A number of blogs over the past 24 hours had reported that Villa could be on his way to Arsenal this summer as part of a deal that would see Arsenal captain Robin van Persie move to Camp Nou.

How likely it is that Villa joins the Gunners remains to be seen, and Saturday's Twittersphere frenzy appears to have little, if any, substance.

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imtiyaz64354d ago

I'd rather see Arsenal sell RVP for 25-30 million, and buy Llorente. Though this is not a bad deal either.

oli4354d ago

In my opinion he was the best striker in the world before he got injured.

saulx604354d ago

lol and where was messi on your list? Dont know how you got any agrees

oli4354d ago


I would never forget about Messi, except I consider him more of a play maker. I meant to say he was the best center forward.

Straightupbeastly4354d ago

Arsenal not a big enough club for villa. He should go to Tottenham instead

Gamer19824354d ago

Hahahahaha Thanks for that Arsenal are not big enough but Spurs are? I know Arsenal are in a bad place right now but at least they are in the champions league every year and have that knack of getting there unlike spurs who lets be honest have been punching above their weight for years now.

Straightupbeastly4354d ago

If spurs played in a 60 thousand seated stadium they'd be winning trophies every year. It's a shame arsenal have become a selling club since they've moved

pompombrum4354d ago


How can you link Spurs success to the size of their stadium? If Arsenal had a board that actually wasn't scared to spend money, they'd be laughing at you guys still.

Straightupbeastly4354d ago (Edited 4354d ago )

It would mean more money to spend smarty pants. Spurs spend but they don't have the riches to snag world class players.

Blackdeath_6634353d ago

lol this comment made my were joking right?
can't tell if funny joke or stupid comment.
the chances that he will move to arsenal are slim,
the chances that he will move to spurs are almost non-existent.

pompombrum4354d ago

Why would Villa move to Arsenal? If he wanted to go to a club in England, he'd probably go Lpool because he is friends with Reina.

GanjaMan4354d ago

just because hes mates with reina wont make there. who wants to move to a mid table club like lpool? no champions league, no money (120mill wasted by queen kenny) no ambition, no nothing!

pompombrum4354d ago

Why would he move to Arsenal? It's not like they've shown any ambition and if Van P goes to city, you might as well rename them Man City youth team.

Gamer19824353d ago

Mates mean nothing Hazard is mates with Kompany yet went Chelsea players go where they want and choose other reasons.

Anderson84354d ago

i doubt this... would be a huge step down considering how much hes done at barca.. i doubt theyd sell him neway

badz1494354d ago

and even when he's fit, he'll always be 2nd to Messi! he hasn't been his best self since the move to Barca due to Messi and the injury is helping bringing his value further down! Barca don't need him as much but he needs a boost in confidence more than anything else! so, a move to Arsenal is actually good for him and it's up to Arsenal to use him right!

Anderson84353d ago

i dont think so.. he doesnt really fight with messi for a place as they normally play him on the left of the 3 forwards with messi centre. but your right in a way.. barca has messi so why would they need rvp?

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