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Man Utd to land a new € 40 million bid for Lucas Moura !?

Brazilian club Sao Paulo confirmed that they have received and rejected an offer from Manchester United for their young midfielder Lucas Moura worth about 35 million Euros, and said to English club if they want Moura,they would have to pay a ‘little more’ to bring him into their ranks.

Manchester United wants to bring 19-year old footballer, who participated in victory of the Brazilian Olympic team against Great Britain (Brazil 2-0 Great Britain Highlights), as Alex Ferguson believes that he would be an ideal replacement for Eden Hazard, who in front of them was “grabbed” by Chelsea.

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Ninjamonkey824339d ago

There looking to much imo.

Gamer19824338d ago

Way too much and this is so unlike united to go so high for an unknown. Sure he's a growing star in Brazil but he's 19 and not made it outside Brazil yet and 40 million is a LOT. Seems City winning the premier league really hurt.

Grap4338d ago

wait 40M$!!!!!!!!!!!!! put 20M+ you will get nemar

buddymagoo4338d ago


Small club mentality showing, still another 17 to catch up.

Ninjamonkey824338d ago

My issue aint nothing to do with Citys one win in the league lad. Football is allowed its miracles.

Issue i can see with Moura is this 18 years old not blooded outside of his homeland. That type of money is a massive risk for a lad that may not settle in English football. he could be gone in a season.

pompombrum4338d ago

It's nice to see Utd are starting to show ambition but really, this kid is too unproven not to mention Brazilians are still iffy in the prem.

For that sort of money why not try for Modric? He's a much better fit for utd anyway or hell, even try for Schweinsteiger? That guy would be the perfect signing.

ozzywazzy4338d ago (Edited 4338d ago )

Lol! I hope manure go through with this. 40m for an unknown. I'd love to see that rosey faced ginger ferguson when he realizes mid season he just blew 40m.

Kos-Mos4338d ago

I`d love to see your face burned by fire for making such a stupid comment.

Straightupbeastly4338d ago

You guys don't know football. There is nothing unproven about this kid. He makes grown men look like idiots, and liga brazil is about on par with second tier euro leagues. Don't let the euro media fool u into thinking European football is on another planet.

RedHotChiliPepaSpray4338d ago

the attacking quality in brazil is good but the defensive qualities in those leagues are very poor and second tier euro leagues outshine them. so to pay 40mil

on a kid who SAF bought someone from the equivalent of a second tier league to play in his first team? sounds like you are doing anything to justify this buy, when there is a lot that could go wrong.

as someone else said, he would be stupid to pay that price when for a little more he could have modric or a pick of one of europes best

Straightupbeastly4338d ago (Edited 4338d ago )

Where do you think the best players in the world come from? They come from that continent. They start their careers down there. They don't need to play in Europe's best leagues to prove they can play in those leagues.

And funny how you mention Modric, a player that came from a third tier league and has tore the premier league up since his arrival.

You judge a player on their talent, potential and where you see them fitting into your team and if it makes sense. Just because they made it in Europes best leagues does not mean it's a safe sign, the same way as if they did not make it in Europes best making it a risky sign.

shadowraiden4338d ago

hmm interesting seems like it has potential to be another Veron though.

nice to see United looking at some up and coming talent since they know how to produce world stars from upcoming talent. Although i feel that kind of money could be better spent and would seem to make the team a bit too attacking heavy still no signs of fletcher coming back this half of season and even with fletcher united have been needed a top ball winning midfielder so only way i can see this deal being good if united are looking to offload a few midfielders this season like carrick and anderson.