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freeduck4318d ago

Koln fans must be heartbroken
At least Podolski paid respect by not celebrating

no_more_heroes4318d ago

Now that's more like the Gervinho we thought we were signing last year. Let's hope he carries this form into the upcoming season.

buddymagoo4318d ago

Yes he came on around 70mins and took the captains armband but looked unfit/lazy/not interested.

crazyturkey4318d ago

I don't know what to think about him taking the armband from the Verminator. Unless he extends his contract I don't think most arsenal fans will want him to keep the armband even if he stays for the rest of the season.

imtiyaz64318d ago

Podolski is a solid signing. We've got so many great wingers now, even Gervinho is showing some killer instincts, finally! All the new arrivals have fired up the squad. Hope Giroud gets even better and then we won't be needing a certain someone any more.

crazyturkey4318d ago

Cazorla and Podolski looked like they've been playing in the team for years. Giroud may need just a little more adjusting, but it shouldn't take more than a couple of more games. Maybe Wenger should give Chamakh another chance too. When RVP was injured Chamakh was playing well, but as soon as RVP came back he was benched, which to me completely destroyed his confidence. The rest of the team looke solid Today.Just need to make sure Walcott extends his contract make sure Song stays or get a replacement for him and SOME BACK UP FOR SAGNA.

imtiyaz64318d ago

Sagna's absence is the only thing that can really hurt Arsenal now, every other spot is almost covered up.

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