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We didn't use him enough: Fergie blames players for not getting best out of Van Persie

Manchester United's attempt to wrestle back the Barclays Premier League title suffered the worst possible start after they were beaten by a Marouane Fellaini-inspired Everton.

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SJIND4311d ago

O dear!!!
RVP and Rooney can not work together???
Hope he doesn't mean that.

buddymagoo4311d ago

I think he meant no one passed to him or at least not as much as they could have.

Yi-Long4311d ago

... at which point it was already pretty much sealed shut in the Everton box, and Man Utd were just banging away at the gates...

It's too early yet to judge Van Persie or the rest of the team assisting him, just on the basis of this match and those 20 minutes he played.

And this is coming from someone who feels VP is a little bit overrated and thinks he could only perform a feat like the last 18 months because everyone at Arsenal was playing in service of him and him alone.

Killzoned4310d ago

Rooney suck'd HARD, Countless mistake and loss of ball possession, why isn't anyone talking about his performance?

crazyturkey4311d ago (Edited 4311d ago )

I don't think Rooney will like always playing for RVP, Their egos might cause problems. Manchesters united's best Formations for RVP will probably be a 4-5-1 With RVP up front and Rooney in the back somewhere in midfield. or 4-3-3 with RVP upfront (get the best out of him) and No Rooney unless he wants to play in the middle or on the wing. I just can't see a 4-4-2 working that well, but who knows, maybe they can get Alone.

DiLeCtioN4311d ago

Van Persie is a great player, don't underestimate the season progresses you will all see who the "Top" Players and clubs are.

boxer19854311d ago

no-ones under estimating van persie. their questioning man u ability to get the best out of him. a technically cultured player is going to struggle to perform to his best in a team the statically crosses the ball as much as chelsea.

he was unfit for the everton clash but he looked like alice in wonderland in those 20 min.

this is the same problem they had with berbatov.

ProjectVulcan4310d ago (Edited 4310d ago )

Van Persie will love the crosses. Get Valencia back on one side and Young on the other and he'll eat up those low crosses especially.

Van Persie is the left footer, Rooney is right. Perfect.

He said he wanted to score more headers last season he certainly will score them this year, guaranteed....

Infernostew4310d ago

if Nani could have only crossed past the first man or not skied them into the opposite stands..

FlunkinMonkey4311d ago

he's played 20 minutes!! and he signed last wk!! u guys need to get a grip.. ridiculous.

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