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Highlights: Manchester United 3-2 Fulham (English Premier League - 25/08/12)

0-1 D. Duff 3'
1-1 R. Van Persie 11'
2-1 S. Kagawa 36'
3-1 Rafael 41'
3-2 N. Vidic 64'(og)

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crazyturkey4306d ago (Edited 4306d ago )

I guess RVP will be benching Rooney from now on. Ferguson has realized that Rooney and RVP will have problems playing together at the same time. United looked more dangerous with Kagawa and RVP on the pitch, than when RVP, Rooney and Welbeck were on. So My guess is that Rooney will be warming his seat for a few games (also while his leg heals). I wonder how is he going to cope with it.


Why? Rooney actually brings more to United than Van Persie does. Their both dangerous strikers who can play on their own and they haven't even played a full match together yet. Fergie will give them plenty of time to play together.

buddymagoo4306d ago

We played well in the first half then seemed to relax in the second and but for a silly own goal it would have been a comfortable win.

I can't wait for Rio, Evans, Jones or Smalling to be fully fit.

Kagawa as I thought would, looked incredible!

crazyturkey4306d ago (Edited 4306d ago )

"Their both dangerous strikers who can play on their own" exactly my point. Both of them like to play in the same position, get in the same areas and I doubt that either of them wants to be put in a different position. Mainly because that's where they're most dangerous. Not to mention that their football egos may clash.

buddymagoo4306d ago


Tom Cleverley's first thought is always to go forward. Today he played double the number of forward passes (38) than he did backwards (19)

NewMonday4306d ago

the 3 can play like mobile forward, similar to the old Ronaldo, Roony and Tevez lineup

ProjectVulcan4306d ago (Edited 4306d ago )

United just need time to settle the defence. That is the main problem here. Vidic will pick up fitness and form i would imagine. Evans should definitely be fit for the Southampton game in a week. Once he is back i think the defence will settle.

It is a bit of a blow Rooney being out because I had hoped that Ferguson would start to find ways playing them together, the front 3 as we saw today.

The champions league will have started by the time he comes back fit, so I can see Van Persie being target man for the next month on his own up front. Ferguson said he will not tinker as much for that. Beyond that we will just have to see if Ferguson goes back to trying a front 3 or pairing them.

We just won't know until Rooney is back, which is disappointing because it was the thing I was most looking forward to seeing develop.

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Anderson84306d ago

i think they'll play together rooneys just not on form at them mo.. but with this injury it will be all rvp for a while

no_more_heroes4306d ago

Shocking injury to Rooney at the end there. Hope its just a flesh wound and NOT a cutting of the Femoral artery, That would be VERY serious.

crazyturkey4306d ago

Lol at the disagrees I guess people really want Rooney injured.

ProjectVulcan4306d ago (Edited 4306d ago )

I think its more that people know cutting the femoral artery with that injury was a bit optimistic, it is far deeper than the cut he had just looking at it LOL.

Plus it would have meant obvious and significant blood loss. Where it was just a little dribble.

It looked a bit of a gouge but not horrendous and muscular or he wouldn't have been able to stand after it like he did. They'll just sew him up and let him mend. 4 weeks, 6 weeks max.

He'll have a nice scar though.

asmith23064305d ago

He would have been close to bleeding out if that artery was cut! Its just a gash.

Nes_Daze4306d ago

United looked weaker in the second half, regardless of the changes, and they seemed to have just slipped away with the win. Rooney got cut up pretty bad, hope he recovers soon, he's still just as important to United, regardless of what VP and Kagawa do.

Anderson84306d ago

took our foot of the gass and settled for the win.. could have easily backfired on us but we scraped through

doncorleone4306d ago

What a way to get your first goal, V. Persie!

imtiyaz64306d ago

Looks like it's gonna be a three horse race. City, United and Chelsea are all looking pretty good. C'mon Arsenal, prove me wrong

saulx64306d ago

get out of here Arsenal fan... you will win nothing

Straightupbeastly4306d ago

Everton and Newcastle are both better than Arsenal

asmith23064305d ago

How do you make that assumption?

Straightupbeastly4305d ago

They have chemistry, the most important thing in football. On paper Arsenal is better but Arsenal has no chemistry, they will struggle to score

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