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Eriksson tells Gerrard to quit Liverpool

Former England boss Sven-Goran Eriksson claims Steven Gerrard should leave Liverpool to fulfil his ambition of winning the Premier League title.

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ProjectVulcan4303d ago (Edited 4303d ago )

Its too late now. Nearly a decade ago he could have gone to United or Chelsea as there was transfer in the offing. Could have won maybe 3 or 4 titles but he thought he had a chance with Liverpool and time. As unlikely a transfer as they seemed, he agonised over it for weeks according to England team mates.

He'll play out his career at Liverpool. For that I give him some respect because I know the value of loyalty to your club. I would think of him less if he sold out after all this time now.

He'll finish up with no titles, I am pretty certain that Liverpool will not win one for the rest of his career. Liverpool won't get close for the next 5 years with City, Chelsea and United about. 2009 was their best hope, and they blew it. The 4-4 with Arsenal killed them as Arshavin tore them apart (remember when he was good? LOL), strange results like that decide titles. United suffered the same thing against Everton.

But then Shearer never really won anything after he left Blackburn and it didn't damage his reputation as one of the greats of English football

Anderson84302d ago

agreed he had his chance and chose loyalty over titles which i guess is admirable especially as he won the champs league but he'll neva get a league title.. he's still one of if not the best english midfielder.. would have been nice to see him at a better club tho

Kur04302d ago

he won the Champion's league in 2005 though.

silvacrest4302d ago

yeah but that's all he going to get with the current liverpool, look at lampard, giggs etc similar age yet can still win the league. champions league, FA cup etc with their clubs