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In Pictures: How John Terry tried to shake Anton Ferdinand’s hand (QPR v Chelsea)

John Terry tries to shake Anton Ferdinand's hand, but the latter snubs him.

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karim4285d ago

Oh boohoo, Anton needs to grow up and stop act like a b*tch, by the way, I really liked how Anton lied in front of the judge then changed his statement, horrible guy, doing this so his brother can benefit.

Blackdeath_6634284d ago

i wouldn't shake the hand of someone who racially abused me however Terry was found not guilty of racial abuse therefore ferdinand made a mistake by not shaking his hand. i agree with RDM the media hype is partially to blame for the incident.

GanjaMan4284d ago

the JT CHANT. (Btw his dads a coke dealer & his moms been caught shoplifting a number of times)

"Chelsea wherever you may be, don't leave your
wife with John Terry. His dad deals coke, and his mum steals tea, he
cried when he missed a penalty!........ Chelsea wherever you maybe,
don't leave your wife with John Terry. He cannot shoot, and he cannot
pass, but he'll take your missus in the ARSE!"

Corepred44283d ago (Edited 4283d ago )

So? Is this a Europe thing, cause here in the U.S. people wouldn't care what his parents do. Much less act like girls and make a song about it.

Oh and the whole cheating thing too. I know it's still not right but it happens ALL the time. I see it alot, with Europeans anyway: "Oh! So and so cheated! He's the worst person on Earth!"

silvacrest4283d ago

come on now, dont be so general and say europe like its all the same

Straightupbeastly4284d ago

I guarantee you that little kid was told to turn and stop once Ferdinand got to Terry. If u saw it live Ferdinand literally had to push the kid along.

KingPin4284d ago

soccer players need to stop whining and bitching like lil girls. its a f$%king handshake. its not like they told him to get on his knees and give a blowjob.

seriously, soccer players nowadays are a bunch of pussies.

divers, liars and cheats.

p_bateman4284d ago

Anton was wright not to shake Terry's hand Terry is scum and so is his brother both cheating w@nkers.