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Jordi Alba: Barcelona players fall because they get kicked

The Spain international has laughed off suggestions that they dive, while also taking the time to praise attacking team-mates Lionel Messi and David Villa.

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karim4254d ago

Those invisible beings sure kick Barcelona players a lot

The_Klank4254d ago

I hate to say it but every team in all the top flight leagues dive, its become a cancer on the sport.

asmith23064254d ago

Yes but Barcelona take the cake when it comes to diving in my opinion; Busquets, Pedro and Alves being front runners for the first slice. Its sad because Barcelona are so good they shouldn't have to resort to diving at all.

crazyturkey4254d ago

Maybe there is contact, but nothing to give them a reason to roll on the floor pretending. On top of that they go after the ref demanding cards. Busquets fouls himself yet the refs give free kicks and cards to innocent players. Messi Though tends to stay on his feet for the most part. Also doesn't DEMAND cards that often unlike a few of his teammates.

Nes_Daze4254d ago

Messi gets kicked, that's why he falls, not everybody acts like Busquets on the team.

karim4253d ago

Don't get me started on Alves, Fabregas and Sanchez..

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