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Breaking News: Rafael Benitez appointed as new Chelsea manager

After the shocking sack of Roberto Di Matteo from his Chelsea’s job and according to the latest reports Chelsea’s new manager will be none other than ex- Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez. Rafael Benitez has signed 18 months deal with Chelsea for the manager’s job. Roman have a new employer in the face of Rafael Benitez, now all is in the hands of Benitez how he works with Chelsea.

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goku323594219d ago does Abramovich expect Benitez will do any better than Roberto?

crazyturkey4219d ago

That doesn't matter to him he just likes to use his AXE.

silvacrest4219d ago

wow...i suspect Benitez will just be a stop gap until roman forces pep to sign

anyway, best of luck to you Benitez, i hope roman lets you spend some cash in january

goku323594219d ago

Pep is the one guy Abramovich wants more than anybody in the world. I assume if Pep says no at first, Abramovich will just keep increasing the money until he says yes.

We're in dire need of reinforcements in the back and at the front, and I'm assuming Roman noticed. I'm just wondering who Benitez has in mind for signing...

silvacrest4219d ago

yeah, i agree 100%

defense and forward positions are in desperate need of strengthening, im sure roman noticed this and if Benitez gets the cash needed in january i am interested to see what he does with it

Computersaysno4218d ago

Waste it like he did at Liverpool I imagine

buddymagoo4218d ago

Pep left Barca (his boyhood club) because of the back-room not giving him enough control and you expect him to go to Chelsea, lol.

Really guys, sometimes you need to use your brain.

goku323594218d ago


Did I say anywhere in my comment that I expect Pep at Chelsea anytime soon? All I said is that Abramovich is going to throw some serious cash Pep's way.

Say what you will, but Abramovich won't stop that easily trying to get Pep. I'm guessing he's willing to go all out trying to get him. You clearly don't know how persuasive money can be, so we'll see what happens when it's all set and done.

buddymagoo4218d ago

It just doesn't make sense. Why hire another manager to fill a gap while you try and get another when you already had a manger that was filling a gap in RDM.

silvacrest4218d ago


its clear roman thought he wasn't doing a good enough job, so even if benitezs is just another stop gap, he would rather try his luck with another manager while he tried to get pep

every team goes through a rough path but roman appears to have no patients

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XboxInnovation4217d ago

Pep is going to Milan. He has some great young talent, he'll be given full control to clean house and rebuild over the course of at least a few seasons, which is something he wants.