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Guardiola appointed coach at Bayern Munich

The former Barcelona boss has been appointed to take over at the Allianz Arena, ending month's of speculation over his future

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goku323594163d ago

Damn, oh well. He'll do great things with Bayern.

Also, why is Heynckes stepping down in the summer?

Dungus4163d ago

He's retiring, I think.

karim4163d ago

Great for Bayern, great squad and a manager like Guardiola, they could rule Europe

Dungus4163d ago

German football is great and it just got a little more exciting!

buddymagoo4163d ago (Edited 4163d ago )

Fantastic for Bayern and German football. Roman and City's owners must be ill along with Dortmund supporters. Good luck to him, he is taking on an exciting team of players.

jak3y13oy4163d ago

Good luck to pep and i love that he rejected the money from City and Chelsea and went for a lower wage and a better club! :D

RGB4163d ago

Same, singing for either could of destroyed his legacy. Bayern is a bigger club than both with a true and proper history in world football, not bought trophies. Congrats to him!

Nes_Daze4162d ago

I agree, I was actually hoping he would go to Bayern.

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