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Highlights: Swansea City 0 – 0 Chelsea ( Capital One Cup -- 23/01/13 )

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-Mezzo-4155d ago

Was a tough game for both teams.

goku323594155d ago

Agreed. Swansea's defense seemed impenetrable, and although Chelsea had more possession and isolated Michu, Swansea were DEADLY on the counter.

RGB4155d ago

Laughable Chelsea still being retarded!

Swansea deserved the win and Hazard was completely foolish when he pushed over and kicked the ball-boy! Hazard apologised after the match so he knows he's in the wrong! Just had a friend who deleted and blocked me off Facebook because he couldn't handle the facts or banter! haha

RGB4155d ago (Edited 4155d ago )

Last message I sent before he deleted/blocked me!;

Stanlee dude... You lost to the other money club in the Community Shield. You got tanked in the Super Cup final by Atlético Madrid. A side Real hasn't lost to since 1999. Real beat them 4-1 twice in the 2011-12 campaign and you lost by the same margin!

Lets move on to the FIFA World Club Cup. You got beaten by Corinthians who wouldn't make mid table in the Premier League or La Liga. Also the first European side to lose the competition since 2006.

You got dumped out of the Champions League! That's the biggest embarrassment going pal! Madrid could finish 30 pts behind Barca and I wouldn't care! Chelsea is the first Holders in the Champions League era to be knocked out in the Group stage! Laughable mate!

So how about The League Cup... oh wait, outplayed by Swansea twice and you cover how sh*t your team is by blaming a ball-boy! Class! haha

You're 11 pts behind United and you could play anyone in The FA Cup! You're gonna need all the luck you could get! Europa League maybe... just better hope you don't draw Atlético again or you'll get bullied even more! Guardiola even turned you down with a £54 million contract offer lmao! How sad!

So you said Chelsea's "gonna win 7 trophies this year"... 0 so far dude! 5 down, 3 to go but lets be honest... two at the very best!

In terms of Madrid, I think Real won La Liga last year by 9 pts and outplayed Barca in their games. When in doubt, the £500 million team turns to anti-football... look what that's won you this season mate... f*** all!

Madrid is competing in 4 competitions this year, they've won the first against Barca... outplaying Barca! Yes the League is done but Madrid are sitting in a Semi-final, something Chelsea just lost and have Champions League football in 2 weeks, something your team hasn't got at all!

I'd take Real over Chelsea mate, everyone but loons would say otherwise! :D

**Couldn't handle the facts or banter like I said! haha**

silvacrest4155d ago

i think you invest to much time in teams you dont support

goku323594155d ago

Never have I seen somebody hate a team as much as you hate Chelsea.

You managed to incorporate some sort of hatred towards Chelsea in almost every single comment I've seen from you in the past few months. Ironically, more of your comments that I have read have been about Chelsea than Real Madrid...

Ben Dover4155d ago

Right.. and who cares about your Facebook conversation? It's actually a bit sad really but I guess there isn't much more going on in your life :\

RGB4154d ago (Edited 4154d ago )


I invest time in plenty of clubs, I enjoy football, when it's done properly, I just shout about Chelsea more because this was bound to happen.


Chelsea have deserved everything that has happened to them. Mourinho made Chelsea who they are today, he spent well and never overpaid for average players. He also made good money on players he sold. Since Mourinho, Chelsea have spent probably more than any club bar City and you've only got 3 youth* players in the whole side; Terry, Bertrand and Aké. Terry's years are numbers and Aké could turn out to be a nobody like most Chelsea academy players. Bertrand is the only youth player with a career ahead of him.

You've bought your success, like City and not by turning profits to do so but by sugar daddies. How many world class managers have been sacked thanks to Chelsea? How many for actually winning trophies? Too many!

@Mr Dover

Terribly original name by the way. 99% of my facebook message has nothing to do with my friend besides the "pal, mate, dude, etc" and 99% has everything to do with Chelsea's laughable year, a year that vindicates that they didn't deserve their trophies last year because they didn't win them by being the better side. Also, you seem very childish, not just because of the name but because of your stupid comment.


Obviously no one cares, 4 people had to reply including you. If people didn't care they wouldn't of commented on my piece about Chelsea's crappy year! Also, you cared because you had to reply, next time don't reply if you don't care! :)

**7 disagrees, people can't handle the truth!**

Ben Dover4153d ago Show
RGB4152d ago

With a name like yours, I don't think you have room to talk. Pretty pathetic.

Funnily enough I do read my posts, minus spelling and grammatical errors (mainly down to dyslexia). The rest are completely factual and depict the reality Chelsea find themselves in... Please elaborate what's childish kid?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4152d ago
Infernostew4155d ago

From world beaters to ball boy beaters. Well done Swans.

silvacrest4155d ago

i stopped watching after the first half, i knew how this was gonna go, i just wish i stuck around to see the ball ball incident....

zeddy4155d ago

hazard should be rewarded for what he did, that little punk even even wrote on his twitter he was going to waste time. only disappointed hazard didnt kick him harder.

asmith23064155d ago

I may not agree with your summation but the ball boy was an idiot to smother the ball and if I were Hazard I would have tried to kick it out from under him too. Hazard is the guy with a place in the final on the line and I can understand his frustration.

All in all though, Chelsea were rubbish. Well done Swansea, best of luck in the final.