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Highlights: AC Milan 2-0 FC Barcelona ( UEFA Champions League 20/02/2013 )

[1-0] K.P. Boateng - 57'
[2-0] Muntari - 81'

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SadeckJaffal4127d ago

OMG what's that ? NO one on earth expected that !!
Milan played really nice , great performance from players great tacktic ( boateng , ambrosine , muntari )
Barcelona wan't in their day , they didn't played like usual at all. well now we can say that there a big chance to milan to qualified.
But really that's a big surprise !!

sdtarm4127d ago

they weren't in their day to win, but they weren't in their day to lose either.
Zapata's hand is scandalous and its even more disappointing how three refs staring at the same thing didnt catch on it.
It's going to be really hard game, even more close, in the camp nou. If they do not score fast or if they are not more careful in the counters then they have a big chance of losing the final

inf3cted14127d ago

It hit on someone elses hand before (barca) I think.

SadeckJaffal4127d ago

yeah i agree with the hand ball but still milan deserve to win , the second goal was awesome.
i think milan will play defensive in camp nou !!
like inter in 2010 and right now milan have more chances to be qualified

BryanBegins4127d ago

Yeah I can't believe the ref didn't see the handball. Or maybe he saw but thought it was involuntary. Which is hard to justify when you have both arms up in the air.

buddymagoo4127d ago (Edited 4127d ago )

If you watch it again it actually wasn't handball and it actually hit his head

ProjectVulcan4127d ago (Edited 4127d ago )

Two former Portsmouth players score to seriously damage Barcelona no less LOL

Messi quiet as a mouse.

Barcelona can score loads when in full flow at home. Can't count them out just yet.

However they look vulnerable defensively and have recently in all their games- they haven't kept a clean sheet in ages! Ninth game in a row with a goal against. AC Milan's midfield really shut down the passing machine.

Milan put on a strong rearguard action in the second leg and possibly even snatch an away goal then Barcelona are out. AC Milan have to be heavy favourites now.

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ad4mb4127d ago

w.t.f lol, was not expecting that. Don't see Messi having too many off days either, but today was one. but credit to Milan, they played a terrific game and were pretty much perfect at the back.

Leio4127d ago

Not even one shot against target is pretty much perfect lol

Nes_Daze4127d ago

Pretty much lost now, I'm glad this happened to Barca so they can have a wake-up call, they've been playing like crap in the CL. All Milan has to do is score once at Camp Nou and it's over.

SadeckJaffal4127d ago

Do you think it's easy to score in camp nou ?
i will play defensive and count on counter attacks

Nes_Daze4127d ago (Edited 4127d ago )

Barca's defense is too fragile to stop Milan from scoring, Puyols is too old, Pique is too unfocused and inconsistent, any little counter attack and Milan will have their goal, Chelsea did it last year, Milan will do it this time, only difference is I don't think Milan will have the luck Chelsea did once they get past Barca.

krazykombatant4127d ago

Unlike bayern barca let goals in, like he said 1 goal and its done

Corepred44127d ago

Yes it's been easy lately to score against Barca. It's the defense. And since when do you play on barcelona's squad Sadeck? Lol

KingPin4127d ago

this game was enjoyable to watch.
Barca got outplayed in all parts of the field. Milans defense was tight. it looked like an average look-a-like was wearing messi's shirt for the entire 90mins.

barca have to score 2 and hope milan dont get lucky and put in one. if that happens, barca have to score 4.
with that said, its against milan. any fan that can remember the deportivo la caruna fairytale or the liverpool cup final will know never to write off the opposition.

Dungus4127d ago

Oh dear, Barca! Pumped.

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