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Turkish referee follows Ronaldo and Real Madrid on Twitter

The Turkish referee who ruined Manchester United’s Champions League dreams at Old Trafford last night has shown an incredible 36 yellow cards and three reds in just eight club games since mid-January.

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krazykombatant4113d ago

Ohhh no, he is a football fan. The conspiracy OOOOoooooOooooOooOOO.

Corepred44111d ago

Lmao!!! Seriously. Wow. All this time you Man U fans had some class. Expected more than the conspiracy reach.

buddymagoo4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

Rafael was less than half a foot away from Ramos when he headed the ball at him. In football we call that ball to hand and it was definitely not hand to ball.

What do you think about these images?

And let me also point out he only follow Turkish and Spanish teams so he doesn't follow all of football just Turkish and Spanish. Also his last 5 sendings off were all English teams, coincidence, no?

RGB4111d ago

Clutching at straws.

KingPin4111d ago

i don't think it has anything to do with the card given.

The fact is this ref gives cards for relatively small tackles. he should just have his license revoked and thrown out from refereeing. he is useless. soccer is a contact sport. he should get used to it.

karim4111d ago

This is the lamest thing I've ever seen. Are people really that dumb?

asmith23064111d ago

Utd just aren't used to things not going their way. When things don't, the ref, UEFA, FIFA, the whole world must be conspiring against them ;)

asmith23064111d ago

How did this tripe get approved?

4110d ago