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Jose Mourinho on the move again - One of the greatest managers in the footballing industry yet, Jose Mourinho, is to set sailing again on another coaching adventure. Mourinho who’s reputation exceeds himself has proved his metal in almost every league and every place he has coached in, be it La Liga in Spain or Barclay Premier League in England! A manager with such high standings is likely to have alot of clubs on his back and its exactly what’s going onn with Mourinho who plans to move once again.

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arjman4095d ago

Please move to Arsenal!

jony_dols4093d ago

Considering that he has only ever won Europe with underdog sides, then a surprise move to Arsenal wouldn't shock me!

krazykombatant4095d ago

Shouldn't this have been an opinion piece? Title makes it seem like he just quit RM

fOrlOnhOpe574095d ago

My money is on him being Man City manager this summer. I think Mancini is back to square one after his one season hit wonders.

asmith23064093d ago

To be fair all the "top" teams in the PL have had a bad season by their standards except Utd.