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Juve line up €18m Robben bid

Juventus are preparing an €18m offer for Bayern Munich star Arjen Robben, according to the Corriere dello Sport.

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Sahil4063d ago

Could be.

Pep likes players who can pass the ball, Robben on the other hand ;P

asmith23064063d ago

Juve need to be more ambitious with their transfer policy if they want to step up a gear. Robben is nearly 30 at this stage. They need to target younger players. I think Pirlo was the rare exception where signing an older player was justified.

Angerfist4062d ago

Robben plays for the best Club in the World, all players are satisfied there, there has got to be a reason players like Gomez and Robben sit on the bench without complaining, they will find no better Club. Robben will stay, he has shown his quality.