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Pique: Mourinho nearly tore Spain apart


The Blaugrana defender has admitted the harmony in the Roja dressing room was disrupted during a sequence of heated derby clashes between Spain's two biggest clubs.

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KingPin4012d ago

hahaha barca players hating on mou.
whats next
Valdes: mou almost caused WW3.

give it a break. if it was for madrid, barca would've had a 100% 4 year period.

Mounce4011d ago

I looked at the thumbnail image from the main page and thought the guy looked like the joker....seriously had green hair, purple, and a pale-white clown face....What the....

mmj4011d ago

One thing he sure did tear apart was Barcelona's dominance, if he had failed miserably Barcelona's players would be begging for him to come back.