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U.S. Soccer Stuns Panama 3-2, Saves Mexico In World Cup Qualifying

Panama was about 90 seconds from beating the United States and advancing to a playoff against New Zealand for a World Cup berth.

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KONAAs3887d ago

blame fifa and the corporations that corupt the sport just so they wont lose money, im mexican and i knwo we dont deserve to go to the world cup, look what they did to avoid portugal and france to play in the qualifier,

KONAAs3887d ago

i do feel bad, but panama sadly dosnt reproduce as much revenue as mexicos national team, alway smoney triumps the worthy

redknight803887d ago

I felt so very awful when the equalizer and subsequent third goal went in...Panama deserved this playoff round with New Zealand so so much more than Mexico.

RedHawkX3887d ago

U.S.A all the way baby.

KONAAs3887d ago

im a mexican, and i knew mexico was gona go to the world cup not because we deserve it but because of the millions of dollars mexico national team produces, here in the states or mexico or in the wold, the estimate was 600 million to 1 billion lost in revenue if mexico didnt go to the world cup, like always fifa coruption shows,