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Highlights: Barcelona 2-1 Real Madrid (Spanish Primera Division - 26.10.2013)

1-0 Neymar 18'

2-0 Sanchez 78'

2-1 Jese 90'+1

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Nes_Daze3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

Great result, but still not the best Barca could've done. Bringing in Sanchez for Fabregas proved to be a worthwhile risk, Messi wasn't completely comfortable in that position, had a few good plays but never found his position. Pique had a great game. Neymar had a great game, shame he got tired towards the end.

Ancelotti I think could've played a betetr formation, Bale was useless, why they still compare Neymar to Bale is beyond me, Khedira was crap as expected, but I guess you also have to take into account that both teams had a CL game this week.

krazykombatant3879d ago

I only got to see the last 20 mins, both teams looked poor for the looks of it, Khedira is and has always been utter Sh!T. He is crap and doesn't deserve to be on the pitch.

Anyone, that compares bale to neymar is an idiot who clearly doesn't know anything about football. Neymar is a teir above bale. But thats a whole other discussion.

Either way, Madrid now just need to keep playing and hope barca keep drawing or lose a match to get back into it.

I wonder with this new loss is it time to bring casillas into the squad??

asmith23063879d ago

Don't know why he started Ramos in midfield. Real looked better when he came off. Should definitely have been a peno for Real when Ronaldo got shouldered in the back as well. I guess if any goal had to win it though, Sanchez's goal deserved it.

Nes_Daze3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

I think that given that it was a push the ref probably didn't see it as that harsh from wherever he was standing, and Ronaldo exaggerating does not help, he's an amazing player but he just exaggerates too much, tough call for the ref to make in a split second. People forget these guys are just humans, he also didn't see Pepe's kick on fabregas in the area, and he gave a lot of yellows to both teams in this match.

As for Ramos he was probably put their to try and disrupt Barca's midfield, but I don't think that's the right approach to stopping their passing there.

KingPin3879d ago

congrats barca.
played the better game i think for the better part of 90mins.

neymar is showing signs of the brazil neymar which is good. Ronaldo and messi i thought were quiet. they both had their moments but not the usual of what we grown to expect.

Bale is useless. totally agree that he shouldnt be in the same sentence as neymar. khedira, ay, one still wonders how he is still a madrid player. think this proves that bale and di maria cant play together coz di maria is out of position and not as effective.
madrid had couple chances which i think on any other day they would've scored, but yeah, against barca its never any other day.

well done to the barca team and the fans.

wantedboys3879d ago

neymar plays in every barce match comparing to bale who played only two games becuase of his injury do the match i am not saying bale is better than neymar, it too soon to judge bale now.
the problem with the team tonight was the manager with stupid tactics

ProjectVulcan3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

Watched the game, Barcelona will win the league easily, walk it. Predictable La Liga but hey.

Madrid just aren't playing nearly as well as they should be, Ancelotti has been bought Bale by the club when he plainly didn't ask for him, and now he has to find a way to incorporate him even though he upsets the balance of the side.

This is the problem sometimes with Madrid, they buy players because they can, not because they need them to improve their key areas. Bale is never going to be comfortable in the side while Ronaldo plays where he wants to.

Barcelona deserved the victory today and to be honest, it didn't seem like it was that difficult for them, they didn't seem to get out of second gear or have Messi at top fitness yet.

Nes_Daze3879d ago

I wouldn't say Barca will win the league considering how early it is. Besides, Barca lose the most points around February, so if Madrid stay within just 2-6 points until then, they still have a chance to win it.

ProjectVulcan3879d ago (Edited 3879d ago )

I called it now. They'll win it again easily, I put my money down lets see end of the season reply then if I'm wrong. La Liga just seems easy to predict.

Madrid are already 6 points shy and it isn't even November yet. Atletico are a good side but realistically they will fall away sooner rather than later as well.

I think the telling stat this early is Madrid's goal difference shows they are shipping too many goals especially away from home for a side aiming to beat Barcelona to the title. They have problems in the side that will take too long to overcome to challenge this season.

If Barcelona don't win the title again by at least 8 or 9 points I'll be surprised. It was 15 points last season and I'm expecting something similar this time out because Madrid haven't really improved since.

krazykombatant3879d ago

ok Vulcan lets see if barca win the league, gonna beat £5. If they do win it, since your calling it sooooo soooo early. I'll ask you for your paypal account once they win.

Zefros3879d ago

Nice that you compare neymar with a player that barly has played any match and NO pre season.

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imtiyaz63879d ago

Neymar clearly stole the show but you guys shouldn't just jump on hating Bale based on this match. Unlike Neymar, Bale hasn't had an easy transition into the team. He had a shaky start due to injury and was mostly played out of position. He's only had 2 starts for Madrid. Remember how useless Ronaldo was initially at the clasicos? He's almost unplayable against Barca now. In time, Bale will come good too. And yes, I really am an Arsenal fan

asmith23063879d ago

Yeah I agree, I don't care how much money Madrid paid for Bale. A transfer fee is no sign of how good or bad a player is. Bale is class, he will come good in time.

hohmann3876d ago (Edited 3876d ago )

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