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Barcelona’s Image Of Purity Is Shattered By Rosell Resignation The Blaugrana president has quit his position following an investigation into Neymar's transfer and it could take the club years to repair the damage.

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krazykombatant3790d ago

LOL does this mean they did lie about the neymar deal?! meaning that Neymar (albeit brief) was the most expensive player in the world.

Seems to me pretty dodgy dealings happening lately in barca.

Nes_Daze3790d ago

I'm glad he's leaving now before he does any more damage to the club, as far as "purity", not many people can talk, unless they want to be hypocrites.

KingPin3788d ago

whats funny

Real madrid pay 91 million euros for Bale and barca come out and say "Bales transfer is a lack of respect for football"

they pay 97 million euros for neymar and lie about it and everything is respectable in their eyes.

asmith23063788d ago

Where does it say they paid 97m? Their was uproar about Bales transfer as Madrid as Madrid apparently used state aid, i.e. tax payers money, in a country that is broke.

KingPin3788d ago

however, they later on only give a breakdown of 86.2 million excluding wages and other bonuses. so who knows, either way its crazy money which is something Barca made it look like only real madrid throw down that kind of cash for one player.

monkeyDzoro3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

Pff. Now people want to introduce bonuses and salary into account when talking about transfert's price.
Neymar transfert cost 60M. Now with salary and bonuses, it reaches 90M.
Bale transfert ONLY is 100M. And RealMadrid never publicly told what is his salary or bonuses. If you take them into account it could reach 160M.

And this comes w/o saying it's the 1st time a club is forced to give contracts particularities.
RealM was just pissed off 'cause they didnt succeed in bringing Neymar to their club.

mmj3788d ago

Both Spanish clubs need reigning in, it's perverse the amount of money they throw around signing marquee players.