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Wayne Rooney: Man Utd striker agrees new £300k per week deal

Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney has agreed a new five-and-a-half year contract worth up to £300,000 a week.

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jak3y13oy3761d ago

- £15,600,000 a year
- £300,000 a week
- £43,000 a day
- £1,800 an hour
- £30 a minute
- 50p a second


GrizzliS19873761d ago

im sorry but this screams overrated

Ninjamonkey823761d ago

Same can be said for any world class star today. Thing is there's kids on the street that look up to these that would do it for free. But we live in a money run world and if there's idiots out there willing to hand it out there will always be those willing and pushing to take it so....

yezz3761d ago

True, but there should be some kind of limit to this. I don't know how it should be done precisely but 300k/week for a player that is not even best in the world is preposterous..

Not that long ago, I think 2009 Tevez had the best salary of 200k/week and now just few years later players are receiving far more than that!? The salaries are going up far too fast.

mcstorm3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Nnjagoat I agree and I do think there should be caps in football for wages etc but to anyone out there who is slaggig Rooney Ext off if your boss came to you and said they were going to put your awe up would you say no ill stay on what I'm on now?

I also think this spells the end for RV at United as I this he will be sold in the summer Rooney will become our main striker and meta will play just behind him with 2 midfield players ide say Carrick and Fellaini (before anyone tryst to shoot me down with him I see Mayes using him a lot more next season for is strength) and I then think Noyes will go out in the summer and get 2 new wingers to replace young and Valencia and bring in a right and left back as I se Jones getting more cb games next season.

big_dom_returns3761d ago

Hilarious. The fact that this fat, overrated, granny shagging mong is on 300k a week is laughable, and more than smacks of desperation on United's behalf. Next they'll be handing Moyes a 200 million pound kitty in the summer to spunk it on more Fellaini's. Can't wait.

listenkids3761d ago

"Fat", kind of says a lot about you.

big_dom_returns3761d ago (Edited 3761d ago )

What's it say about me, oh, all seeing wise one? Should have said, fat granny shagging for pot noodles? Sounds better, no?

listenkids3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Again, another witty comment. It says you're an ignorant waste of space that probably has no education. Claiming an athlete in peak condition is fat is like calling Messi shit. The irony is that you yourself are probably a fat granny shagging invalid.

FreakyFox3761d ago

With the current tax, he will be bringing about £160,000 home, aswell as his sponsership deals of course and maybe the odd tax fiddle here and there.

Not bad for kicking a bag of air around.

krazykombatant3758d ago

lol cuz football players don't try their best to avoid paying tax. *COUGH* Messi *COUGH*

asmith23063761d ago

That is an insane amount to offer a player who isn't even going to improve the squad. Utd are gonna stay in the same rut for a long time.

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