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From world's best to whipping boys - this is the end of Milan The Rossoneri saw their hugely disappointing campaign reach a predictable low at the Vicente Calderon, with few shining lights on display as their European adventure came to an end.

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Spiewie 3743d ago

they will get back on their game. They didn't play too badly today conceded 4 but it wasn't a terible game.

asmith23063743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Milan are a complete shadow of their former selves and I don't see them coming back for a long, long time. Juve are the only shining light in Italian football and even they struggle in Europe. I think they will get stronger though in th next few years. Great club.

Nes_Daze3743d ago

It's sad to see them that way, don't wish that upon any team, but that's football, giants will fall eventually..but losing against Atletico Madrid isn't embarrassing at all, that's a really tough team to face off against.

KingPin3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

actually the only club that went from worlds best to whipping boys in manchester united. as a fan it hurts to say that but Milan are losing to Atletico madrid who are competing evenly with the big boys thats Real Madrid and Barcelona. United on the other hand are losing to olympiacos of all teams. face it, 5 years ago if i told you my money is on Olympiacos over united you'd think im doing some hard drugs.

but in the end of the day you cant stay on top forever. All clubs will have slumps. some slumps worse than others.

navalstrick3742d ago

Milan is big but there players do not deserve to wear the shirt

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