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Neymar lets himself down with his diving, says Simeone The Argentine says that the Brazil international goes to ground too easily, but he had nothing but praise for Diego Ribas after the midfielder's stunning strike at Camp Nou.

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Spiewie 3722d ago

Pretty sure most of us will agree with this.

Nes_Daze3721d ago

I agree, but it's not that he dives nearly as much as he exaggerates. If he gets frustrated with a defender because he's not strong enough(because the guy can dribble) then he needs to work on that. He's already built an infamous reputation for exaggerating and the refs are eventually going to think he's faking a clear foul.

asmith23063721d ago

Problem is he is not the only one. FIFA and UEFA need to step up and stomp this playacting out. It's getting out of hand these days.

Ninjamonkey823720d ago

Part off today's game sad but true fact.

Only have to look at the second best player in the world Ronaldo his game is marred with diving.

But hes no where near the only one players seem to think its a legit way to get by in games now.

Have a look at Rooney the other night, lost Bastian Schweinsteiger his place in the next CL leg. I'm completely against this in Football. End off the day it robs us off players in late stages of big competitions.

Where the pride in a performance when this type off thing is needed to advance.

asmith23063720d ago

He didn't win the ball and slid right across Rooney's path. If Rooney doesn't attempt to jump over he gets done, simple as that. It's a definite yellow, I have seen yellows for far less.