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Hazard Hits Out At Tactics

Eden Hazard has appeared to question Jose Mourinho's tactics after Chelsea went out of the Champions League to Atletico Madrid.

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goku323593692d ago

"Chelsea aren't set up to play football, Chelsea are set up to counter-attack - a little bit like Real against Bayern.

"I don't know what we lacked. After scoring, we had the game in our hands. Maybe they wanted it more than we did."

In what way did he question tactics? If anything, he compared us to Real which is in no way a bad thing. Gotta love the media...

silvacrest3691d ago

anything for hits i guess

Gamer19823691d ago

I think hes complaining about the fact he prefers to play free playing football like Barca/MCFC/Arsenal style rather than counter attacking style of Real Madrid/West Ham (last team was an inside joke). He came to Chelsea thinking they were free flowing and to be fair until Jose joined thats what they were starting to be but unsuccessfully with players like Mata. But with Jose back its back to defensive play. He doesn't like it just like Mata didn't and he will probably be out the door like Mata come summer.

windblowsagain3691d ago

Arsenal would suit hazards style of play.

The only trouble with arsenal is attack is too slow and long winded.

As for Chelsea. They are a counter-attacking team, but also run midfield in alot of games. Torres should have gone ages ago. Not good enough regardless of scoring.

silvacrest3691d ago (Edited 3691d ago )

im glad at least someone else agrees on this site, i can't believe im getting hate from fellow chelsea fans because i critique torres

if he brought the same form from chelsea to any of the top 5 teams in the EPL he would have been on loan at the very least then sold a year later, so i guess you have to give chelsea credit for giving him so long to "find him slef"

TheSaint3691d ago

I wouldn't want him at Saints, mind we have some pretty decent strikers right now.