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Highlights: England 1-2 Italy ( Fifa World Cup 2014 - 14/6/14 )

Match Highlights:

0-1 Marchisio 35'

1-1 Sturridge 37'

1-2 Balotelli 50'

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-Mezzo-3648d ago

It felt like Sterling Vs. Italy, rest of the England team played extremely bad.

And Pirlo was a class act, as always.

cemelc3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

This was one heck of a great match, best in the tournament by far, nothing to be ashamed of.

I think england is a great team, that match could have gone either way.

That said, Pirlo was truly amazing, he will be missed from football after this world cup.

Speed-Racer3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

Really can't figure where Rooney was aiming when he took that corner.

asmith23063648d ago

Yeah, I really want to see that again, they didn't show a replay of it. Still can't understand how Utd give him 300k a week. Baffles me.

listenkids3648d ago

He's a pillar for United, and it's not 300k.

asmith23063648d ago

@listenkids, it is 300k. A pillar is a fitting word. Scholes is right, he's well past it.

asmith23063648d ago

England were great in the first but Italy's game plan had them run out of steam in the second. Englands tactic was to hit them hard and fast, hard to keep that up in that heat for 90mins. How many England players pulled up with cramp, three or four? Italy had none. Second half England were wrecked and Italy happily soaked up their weak attacks. As usual Pirlo bossed the midfield. If his free kick at the end had of gone in that would have been one of the best free kicks ever. Outside of the right foot, fooling Hart. Legend. Uruguay and England is crunch time now for both of them.

RGB3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

Italia hit the woodwork twice and had a goal line clearance. England had 19 shots, 5 only on target.

Italy looked pretty average against this poor England side. Uruguay can take heart from that. None in this group will win mind.

asmith23063648d ago

Italy have always looked average compared to the flashy teams in these competitions but tactically they are always spot on. And that usually takes them far in cup tournaments. And they have a gem in Pirlo who can the tempo of the game, not many players can do that.

RGB3648d ago

They looked more average than usually yet could have won 5-1 anyway. England is "coming home" sooner rather than later.

Jonnyquest3213647d ago

Did you come to England and were mugged or something? 90+% of your posts are anti England and anti England teams. Genuinely asking here, what is your problem with England?

FlunkinMonkey3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

He's the most plastic fan here.. Claimed he was English in another article, yet is the biggest Spanish groupie that supports Real Madrid and Spain.

He has some bizarre vendetta against English football, it's really really strange. He pretends he's making grounded comments by throwing around a few bs statistics, but really he has a full on agenda, strange boy.


RGB3647d ago

- No, I was born in West Yorkshire. Most of my opinions are grounded with facts and depict the reality of said situations.

- So you can't argue against my comments and turn to ad hominem? Sad, but expected. As above, born in West Yorkshire and lived in West Yorkshire all my life.

It's sad that most of the world think England has the best football or the best teams or the best league. Nothing indicates that when we see these teams play in the big competitions. Like Keane said, "load of rubbish, it isn't the best league, we don't have the best teams, we've been conned" or words to that effect.

Everything I say is factually accurate, prove it isn't!

FlunkinMonkey3647d ago

Sorry, what points am I arguing against? I'm just saying it how it is, you're a glory hunting odd ball who supports SPAIN when he's ENGLISH, i find that hilarious.

Awww hominem, diddums.. Did i hurt your Spa.. sorry, WEST YORKSHIRE feelings.

England are un underwhelming team, everyone knows it, doesn't need your smug superiority complex thrown in the mix with every single article.

SPANISH GROUPIE - PLASTIC FAN. Doesn't even support his own country, you are no fan.

RGB3647d ago

- Again, not arguing against my opinions just against me, ad hominem and nothing more. I don't really care that you and others do it. It just shows how right I am, how you can't defend your position and how I win the arguments by default because you have to use ad hominem attacks instead of debating your point. SWEET!

I was brought up to support Manchester United yet wasn't born in Manchester. I was brought up as a Catholic too, young minds are easily indoctrinated! I grow up, and I delivered my own interests in many subjects including sport. Around 12 years of age, I stopped supporting my family's team of United and started supporting Real Madrid. Since then I've purchased over 20 Real Madrid shirts, be it home, away, GK, Champions League, training, etc.
I also stopped believing in fairy tales at age 14, hence I'm an atheist now! I must say, it's good being a free thinker and not conforming to what people want from you! ;)

Still waiting for you few people to prove what I'm saying isn't factually accurate! :)

FlunkinMonkey3647d ago

You are absolutely OBSESSED with winning these so called debates with 'factual grounded comments'. What a pile of bs, your desire to be right is just a sign of deep insecurity. There is nothing to debate here, you are a plastic fan as you don't even support your own country! Your passive aggressive arguments don't work with me either.

Your sob story below (which nobody asked for) about a deep and troubled childhood that is full of religious indoctrination, sheds light on your odd and entirely odd opinion of this country and it's football. You've bought some t-shirts? AWESOME, top fan. Why the hell do you support Spain then?

No position to defend on my side, I think England are pretty shat, but i don't have a blind hatred for them or the league, which is something you are obsessed about.

Plastic. 5-1 to the Dutch the other day, how are those stats? Cry me a river.

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