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Spain 0-2 Chile: Aranguiz sends holders crashing out of World Cup

The reigning world and European champions have exited the competition at the group stage after being stunned by their South American opponents

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Stringerbell3644d ago

Now back to the drawing board for Spain...

NewMonday3644d ago

time for del Bosque to go

get Benitez

Play2Win3643d ago

Hard times for Spain. Some people saw them winning the whole cup again. Well, not me by the way. But seriously they got really buttfuc*ed this time. 7:1 goals and off the tournament after 2 matches. With players who won the CL and such players from Barca this is something they won't forget soon. Well, even better for Italy. Spain is one of the only teams that can outperform Italy in such tournaments when Italy will improve during the tournament. FORZA ITALIA!

RGB3643d ago (Edited 3643d ago )

Congrats to Chile, they played better and with more intensity from the start.

Vicente del Bosque's biggest mistake was using Barca's system of play. They haven't win anything in 12 months and they fluked that anyway. 1 trophy in 2 years showed signs it was done. The other big mistake was leaving winners out of his squad, like Carvajal and Navas. Both provide width, pace and cornering prowess.

Spain in this World Cup reminded me of their Under 23s Olympic 2012 team. Plenty of talent, just not playing a style of football that actually works for them.

Spain don't need to worry too much, they only need to look at either Madrid side to know how to play a better style of football in today's game. Bayern adopted Barca's style thanks to Pep and they got smashed by Real, it is done.

----------------------------- ------------------------

Spain's future in players.

GK; De Gea, Guaita, Andrés Fernández, Adrián & Sergio Asenjo. All 27 or under. Even; Casillas, Diego López, José Reina & Victor Valdés could go 1 or 2 more tournaments.

RB/LB; Carvajal, Montoya, Azpilicueta, Jordi Alba and Alberto Moreno. All under 25.

CB; Ramos & Piqué, both under 30, both winners. Iñigo Martínez, Víctor Ruíz, Álvaro Domínguez, Marc Bartra, Botía, Fontàs and Borja López. All under 25, all good defenders with decent potential.

CDM; Busquets, Martinez, Javi García & Oriol Romeu. Tops players, under 27.

CM; Illarramendi, Ander Herrera, Sergi Roberto, Rubén Pardo and Saúl. All under 24. Even Granero & Parejo if needed.

RM/LM; Pablo Sarabia, Rubén García, Suso & Bernat. Top young players coming through.

CAM; Mata, Isco, Thiago, Koke, Muniaín, Adrián & Sergio Canales. All 25 or under. Silva & Carzola under 30 still.

RW/LW; Navas & Pedro, both under 28. Bojan & Deulofeu both under 22. Diego Capel & Cristian Tello, both under 25.

CF/ST; Jesé, Morata & Rodrigo, all under 23.

Spain has plenty of talent, the biggest catalogue in world football. They'll be back, they just need to chance!

neoragex3643d ago

Spain in this World Cup reminded me of their Under 23s Olympic 2012 team. Plenty of talent, just not playing a style of football that actually works for them.

HAHAHA.. it's the same team that won the WC and Euro!

Add some new and young players into the squad and they will dominate int football for another 10 years, playing this style of football.

RGB3643d ago

Doesn't it?!

The under 23s Olympic team win everything leading up to that competition too! They used their same system and the team they played worked them out.

Same thing happened here, Spain's tactics have been found out and he shouldn't suit them anymore. Alonso, and Iniesta and Xavi don't have the same time on the ball as they once did. Teams work to close them down, not to mention they've got older, especially Xavi, he looked out of it almost instantly. Alonso wasn't comfortable from the 1st minute yesterday either.

del Bosque should have gone with; Casillas; Azpilicueta, Ramos, Piqué, Alba; Busquets, Martinez, Silva, Mata, Iniesta; Fàbregas. False 9, it worked fine in Euro 2012 and the older players have been replaced with top younger ones. Mata > Xavi, Martinez > Alonso.

Agreed, Spain have plenty of talent under 25 in every position possible. Euro 2016 will be interesting.

KingPin3644d ago

wonder which team all the 2010 bandwagoners will jump to now.

any guesses?

Nes_Daze3644d ago

So basically who's going to win this World Cup? Germany or the Dutch judging from what we've seen. Picking out the bandwagoners from a World Cup isn't as easy as seeing them in leagues, there's a lot of latinos or hispanics that wanted Spain to win in 2010 and in this world cup, depends on where you're from.

krazykombatant3644d ago

Lots of Latinos/Hispanics??????? lol those are your bangwagon fans.

Today was proven that south american football should be respected. Spain couldn't match Chile.

The world cup is coming back and staying in south america.

KONAAs3644d ago

hell no!! im a latino and i wanted holand to win in 2010 ive always said spain didnt deserved to be champions, it was supose to be holand since 2010, anyways im realiztic but germany will win

Qrphe3644d ago

Even if surprising, I wouldn't say Spain is a favorite among Latino Americans.

Rute3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

I predicted that Spain would make it to top four this time around. Boy, was i wrong on that one! I think Germany and Brazil are big contenders to win. Argentina and Netherlands may do well too.

TheFallenAngel3644d ago

Lol Brazil and Argentina. Germany or Netherlands got this cup.

2pacalypsenow3644d ago

Lol chile has a bigger chance than Brazil

Rute3644d ago (Edited 3643d ago )

Keep in mind that they are playing in Brazil so the climate suits the South American teams the best.

Netherlands has been very good but not so outstanding as people seem to think in my opinion. I think they crushed Spain 5-1 largely because Spain made lots of awful mistakes and lost their fighting spirit. The 2-3 against Australia was more indicative of Netherlands' level I think.

listenkids3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

Brazil have a very slim chance

KONAAs3644d ago

if Brazil has a chance then Mexico also has a chance, ofcourse Brazil should be eliminated already if it hadnt been for FIFA's help helping them win agains croatia

listenkids3643d ago

@KONAAs that's my point, they're lucky to be where they are, they won't likely survive knock outs, but poor officials can change that.

strifeblade3643d ago


I think your wrong about the netherlands. It wasnt because the netherlands were so bad that they barely beat australia. It was because Australia put on a hell of a show and the Netherlands were not expecting it. Both teams played great that match but Australia surprised me.

Rute3643d ago (Edited 3643d ago )

Well, Australia surely played very energetically in that match. But still, Australia is at #62 in FIFA rankings, Netherlands's at #15. There's just a huge difference in skill level between those teams, so I was expecting more from Netherlands, even if they were against Aussies in top condition and spirit.

asmith23063644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

Sad day for Spain. Have given us so much great football in the last good few years. It was great to watch while it lasted. Time to move Iniesta, Casillas and Xavi on and give players like Fabregas, Koke, Mata and Carzola a chance. Best of luck to Chile in the coming games, they look solid.

Nes_Daze3644d ago

It felt like Spain tried to pass around faster than usual and it only ended up causing them to lose the ball and get sloppy. Sucks to see Spain go even though I wasn't going for them.

Ben Dover3644d ago


Nes_Daze3644d ago (Edited 3644d ago )

Grow up kid. Somebody seems hurt that their country didn't take the ultimate prize in football back in 2010.

Ben Dover3644d ago


sjaakiejj3644d ago

Seriously Ben. For your and everyone else's sake, keep yourself under control. This is just embarrassing.

RGB3643d ago

It's sad when people are so bitter about life they have to do this.

It's funny too because Spain are still holders till the final. They still hold the Euro Championship. Madrid has the Champions League and Sevilla has the Europa League. Spain currently hold all major international titles at club & international level.

Let them be bitter Nes, they'll understand good football one day (or maybe not)!

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