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Cristiano Ronaldo Confirmed for a Move to Chelsea?

If the latest reports are to be believed, Cristiano Ronaldo could be set for a sensational return to England, though not for the Red Devils…. We are talking about a reunion with former Los Blancos boss Jose Mourinho who now manages Russian-owned club Chelsea. Is the ‘Special One’ more special to Ronaldo than his former home at Old Trafford?

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KingPin3559d ago

this will only happen if real madrid are willing to sell Ronaldo (which they said they have no plans to) AND if united is not in the champions league (after spending 150+ million, you'd think champions league is a possibility).

other than that, i dont see why he would go to chelsea willingly. unless he gets paid a bucketload on top of what he already earns which would then be just plain ridiculous.

saadd203558d ago

they can make good money on his sale and past 30, his value will time to sell him and get one of the hot young stars..Reus, Hazard, Eriksen

bellatrikz3558d ago

unless mourinho pull some heavy games, dont think its gonna happen

silvacrest3558d ago

just dont sell hazard for him......plz

asmith23063557d ago

I doubt it. Will probably go to the US like most players to finish up their careers.

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