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Cristiano Ronaldo Holds Chelsea; Manchester United Ransom

If Ronaldo does indeed decide to return to England, then the Real Madrid forward will demand a staggering half-a-million pound salary a-week.

Of course, Ronaldo has history with the Red Devils having spent a good six years under former manager Sir Alex Ferguson. Manchester United is where he transformed into a football superstar.

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KingPin3554d ago

how can a player unhappy at his current club hold other clubs ransom?

if clubs refuse to agree his wages, that means they are willing to let him move elsewhere. he can either accept what they offering or he can continue staying at his current club and be unhappy. his choice.

although i think CR7 knows only crazy clubs are willing to throw half-a-mil at a player each week. united isnt one of those.

RosweeSon3554d ago

Half a million a week, mate you wanna have a look at what a firefighter earns and hang your head in shame, I'd love to see him back at United but if he's gonna be a prick about it. Hardly held to ransom tho are they.

ProjectVulcan3554d ago

He's amazing, he's the best etc but he's also 30 in February.

As much as United fans would like to see him back in the red shirt, United should not spend a fortune to get him back now.

He chose to go to Madrid for his best years of his career, 24-30, so paying over the top for someone who has maybe only a couple years left at his very explosive best would not be a wise move, United legend or not.

asmith23063554d ago

£500,000 pounds a week?? Jesus. Messi is apparently on around £315,000 a week, and he is over two years younger. Even that much is insanity. I could maybe see Chelsea, City or PSG pay him that for a couple of years, but I can't see Utd doing it at all.

saadd203554d ago

could it be a ploy to get a better deal from Real Madrid?

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