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Cristiano Ronaldo has €1billion release clause

Cristiano Ronaldo has an astronomical €1billion release clause in his Real Madrid contract, according to his agent Jorge Mendes.

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Stringerbell3528d ago

That has to be one of the easiest jobs in the world, being CR7's agent...

KingPin3528d ago

i think they made it ridiculously high more as a deterrent for other clubs like City and PSG.

sonic9893526d ago (Edited 3526d ago )

some people seem to have amnesia or something this is old news .
use some memory when KAKA and CR9 ( at the time ) signed for madrid both had a 1 Billion euro release clause with KAKA it was a special case madrid tried to keep him as long as they had hope in him also he used to be a great merchandising tool so they wanted him until things started to go downwards they released him .
now CR7 kept his level and performance at the peak all the time thats why madrid are making others remember that CR7's release clause is 1 Billion but in all honesty its a very old news here .
did you know that benzema's release clause is 250 million .

Stringerbell3526d ago

Hey who changed my Dr. Evil pic lol