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Messi: Selfies, El Clasico & Manchester City

Lionel Messi is perhaps the world’s greatest footballer. He is much simpler than his extravagant rival Cristiano Ronaldo. Messi likes to keep a low profile on and off the pitch. Off the pitch, he does not seem to be so enthusiastic about selfies as the video depicts.

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saadd203374d ago

come on Messi, be a sport!

S2Killinit3374d ago

must be nice. Kind of a jerk move no? but i guess they get tired of the attention too.

saadd203374d ago

Messi likes to keep a low profile. He must be in a hurry and got bombarded by fans. Not sure if he meant to be rude.

LightDiego3374d ago

He is right, selfies are really annoying.

joyride913371d ago

especially when you are trying to get somewhere!

Stringerbell3373d ago (Edited 3373d ago )

I cant blame the guy. Who knows how many pics he's taken with fans, shirts he's signed etc etc. Its when they turn a fan away is when we throw them under the bus. Most footballers are hounded by the media already, when you're the best- basically he has no private life. To his credit every time I've seen Messi in the press he's cool and collected, but he's only human.

saadd203373d ago

he doesnt need to jump around and do backflips to sell shoes :) like one Portuguese dude :P