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Why Was Brendan Rodgers Sacked? (OP-ED)

PYB: #RodgersOut finally held true as the papers rolled out the headlines: Brendan Rodgers sacked! Park Your Buses gives its two cents on why this happened.

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saadd203171d ago

BR deserved the sack. he should have been sacked a lot sooner in the summer but good riddance!

ProjectVulcan3170d ago

Why was he sacked? Because he spent nearly £300m in 3 and a half years and Liverpool still look like a 6th placed club at best.


big_dom_part_23170d ago

It's obvious. When you look at the thumbnail, it's clear he spent most of that money he had to spend on teeth whiteners, veneers, and tanning salons. That would explain why he bought shit players and tried to claim they were 20 million pounds worth of talent, ie, Joe Allen, Lallana, and Lovren just to name a few.

3170d ago
SniperControl3170d ago

Because he spent 5h1t loads of money on crap players and expected to win the league.

Lambert, Lallana, Allen etc and the biggest failure of them all ole Ballatelli, c'mon, everybody could see this coming.