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Crying Mourinho says goodbye to Materazzi

Mourinho leaves Santiago Bernabeu after the Champions League Final in tears after saying goodbye to Marco Materazzi
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Arild5129d ago

So, he has feelings after all;) good to know!

megacardo5129d ago

I have never liked Mourinho, but has a slightly different impression of him now. I hope he comes to Real Madrid then Madrid can be the great club it really is

Towers5128d ago

A bit weird seeing him like that but makes me like him a bit more.. beforehand i hated the guy.

CyberCam5128d ago (Edited 5128d ago )

He's brass & cocky but in the end he's a great footbal coach.

We had a saying growing up (in my rough neighborhood)... "it ain't called braggin', if you can back it up!"