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Injured Newcastle United Attacker Hatem Ben Arfa Nominated For Ballon De Plomb

Newcastle United attacker Hatem Ben Arfa has been nominated for the Ballon de Plomb for his disappointing performances for Marseille last season. French football magazine les Cahiers du football announced their shortlist for the worst player of Ligue 1 on Monday.

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FootballZilla4934d ago

didnt even know that this list existited

kulka4934d ago

Lol how embarrasing is that

karim4934d ago

Really a disgracing list...don't you know that players have feelings

pwneddemocrat4934d ago

Seeing as their jobs is to play that game, if they didnt do well and dont deserve their money, someone should make them see them, in a harsh way.

karim4934d ago

But Ben Arfa is an exception,he endured racism from his OWN FANS (he's a muslim),booed a lot...and decouraged by his employers + he never got a proper chance to shine