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Real Madrid Coach Jose Mourinho Clashes With Photographers At Airport - Report

Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho was involved in a clash with photographers on Tuesday after returning from Christmas holidays in New York, according to reports in Spain.

El Mundo reports that Mourinho and his family were met by a host of photographers after they stepped off their flight at the Madrid airport. The Portuguese tactician was visibly annoyed and asked the pressmen to leave them in peace.

However, when they continued to carry on, Mourinho insulted them before airport security personnel came to intervene and barred the photographers saying that there were children involved.

Mourinho then got on his car and left the airport quickly.

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sokrates4911d ago

I am sure its hard to deal with the journalits: BUT Mourinho could get in trouble with anyone!

zico4911d ago

I never liked him! Always complaining when it does not go his way. Hope he does not succeed with his boring football in Real!

KingsCross4911d ago

Why? He is a genius! He is the best manager ever put a foot on this planet. You are just jelous because he leads a team you dont support!

Leio4911d ago

Another news about some journalist gets beat-up :/ Never seen one with enough balls to do something about it ...Suckers

MasterGuru4910d ago

Well, it's always been obvious that Mourinho has issues. He's mentally unstable.