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Younes Kaboul says sorry for red card against Newcastle

Younes Kaboul has apologised to his Tottenham team-mates and Spurs fans for his sending off against Newcastle.

The defender appeared to headbutt Cheik Tiote in the 65th minute after a robust challenge from the Magpies midfielder.

Kaboul told the Spurs website: "I received what I felt was a bad tackle and that's why I reacted the way I did.

"It's not in my nature and I apologise to my team and would like to say sorry to the fans - I hope we will not see that on the pitch (from me) again."

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sokrates4911d ago

Its a hard decsission by the judge- they were both going close and both putting the test towards... He has just the tiny little push- and thas the red card for him and not even yellow on the other guy???

KingsCross4911d ago (Edited 4911d ago )

Red card.\, no doubt. Thats why he says sorry.