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Sir Alex Ferguson warns Rooney that Hernandez's form could keep him out of Manchester United team

Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has warned injured striker Wayne Rooney that he faces a fight to displace in-form Javier Hernandez.

The Mexican international has made an immediate impact at Old Trafford this season and has now scored two goals in as many games after opening the scoring for the Red Devils in the 2-1 victory over Stoke on Tuesday night.

Nani also scored on his return to the United starting line-up and after the game Ferguson revealed it was going to be hard to leave out 'Chicharito'.

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MasterGuru4904d ago (Edited 4904d ago )

I sure so... That way, Rooney will be forced to move to Real... And when that happens, his overrated-ness will be exposed to the world.

Hapoel4904d ago

He's not good enough for Real Madrid. I hope he goes to Stoke City or Wolfsburg and retire there.

Hapoel4904d ago

That is IF he is good enough for Wolfsburg or Stoke. AND THAT IS A BIG IF.

God_Of_Epicness4904d ago

Hahahahahaha... I think what you're saying is true... Rooney is just a shadow of what he is used to be... A "has-been"...

zico4904d ago

Funny:-) Why Wolfsburg?

Hapoel4904d ago


Because Rooney is actually from Germany. He was adopted by English parents which explains his looks and accent.

MasterGuru4904d ago

That's funny. I thought Rooney was from Russia.

zico4904d ago

Didn`t know that. Good researc. I bubble you up on that one!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4904d ago
rafay4904d ago

Hernandez is so much better a striker than Rooney.

MasterGuru4904d ago

I think Rooney's form is on a career low. He's not good anymore. Right now, Hernandez is better than him and so, Hernandez should be able to play ahead of him every match. Let Roo warm the bench.

Rage_S904903d ago

form is temporary dont you ever forget that

God_Of_Epicness4904d ago

But the best striker in the world is Didier Drogba.

zico4904d ago

Disagree! You are saying this as a Chelsea fan, you don`t really mean it.

MasterGuru4904d ago



Goodness me. The world is really nearing it's end.


zico4904d ago

I think he should show his skills over a number of games before making a conclusion about how good he is. Do not get me wrong: He played a great game yesterday, but Rooney has also had several such amazing games before his injuries.

But Hernandez is a player for the future. Once again Alex has done a good buy!

rafay4904d ago

Definitely one for the future. That finish last night was sublime.

MasterGuru4904d ago

He showed his skills at the World Cup, remember? And if my mind serves me right, he was even recorded to be the fastest player at the World Cup with a top speed of 29km/h.

zico4904d ago

High speed is a really good skills for a footballplayer in his position, togehter with a great technique and goal scorer ability, you have a GREAT attacer.

FootballZilla4904d ago

@MasterGuru do even know what your one about Rooney.. Drogba.. Hernandez there all class player do you only think your little barca are good..

Lets see if barca even win anything this year ;)

johnsonbat4904d ago

Ferguson knows exactly what he's doing. Without signing a new 5 year deal Pooney would have walked in the summer for nothing. He will flick him for a tidy profit in the summer.