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Milan To Offer Alexandre Pato For Manchester City Striker Mario Balotelli

Milan's Alexandre Pato could be used as part of a transfer for Manchester City striker Mario Balotelli...

Milan are leading the chase for Manchester City striker Mario Balotelli, and could use Alexandre Pato as a convincer.

Balotelli is reportedly unhappy with his time at Eastlands, though he did last week move to claim he was fine with life there.

However, La Gazzetta dello Sport claims Balotelli, 20, is destined to join Milan in the near future, and Pato could be his proxy in Manchester.

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rafay4904d ago

Pato should go to Chelsea if any team in England. That'll give him the best place to shine...

Maradona4904d ago

Its not easy to shine in Chelsea. Chelsea is not a good club to be if you are a talent.