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Liverpool meet Newcastle's demand for Andy Carroll

Liverpool FC confirmed this afternoon that Newcastle United had accepted a Club record offer for the transfer of Andy Carroll.

The Club have been given permission by Newcastle to discuss personal terms with the player, who will now travel to Liverpool for a medical.

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cozmo1954878d ago

but damn you i was going to post this :P
too bad i can't approve stuff >_>

rafay4878d ago

Sorry buddy.. I have been waiting on this for too long to miss out on posting this! lol..

rafay4878d ago

The Livepool FC web-site has crashed apparently. Looks like they spent everything...

cozmo1954878d ago

apparently we just sold torres for £50million i hope it isn't true "/

no_more_heroes4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )


the sudden massive bombardment of traffic they received has obliterated their servers.

rafay4878d ago

I managed to copy everything that was on there... Score! Lol.. But then anyone can score on Liverpool these days

no_more_heroes4878d ago

it's taken a while to get going, but silly season is in full swing now. 5 hours and 50 minutes left.

zico4878d ago

still I think 30 million is to much for Andy Carroll. But i hope I make mistake!!

rafay4878d ago

Its above 35 million.

zico4878d ago

I fully respect Andy Carroll, and think he is a great­ player with many talents. But £35 Million!!?? It`s unreal. Newcastle are laughing at us.

Sahil4878d ago

Seriously, WTF? Either they don't want to spend a single penny and now they are splashing out 35 for Caroll, such a panic buy. It would be better if we don't sign him and use that on players who are developed like Ashley young and downing(summer window) or I would have loved to see Benzema at anfield, he's a quality(like torres) or 35m+65m = messi.. lol

rafay4878d ago

Its not a panic buy! They have new owners with cash. They were going to spend, everyone knew it. Or expected it at-least.

And what's the obsession with 100 million and Messi? I don't think 100 Million would buy Messi.

Sahil4878d ago (Edited 4878d ago )

obsession.. you kiddin me, do i look like am obsessed ?

Ya we have new owners doesn't mean we'll buy any player who's in his developing years for 30 f**ing million. I was just saying that Andy caroll is OVER-PRICED!

If you didn't understand something, don't comment on it. FYI, I wrote lol in the end, I hope you get it now.