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Respect should be paid to contrasting styles

Arsenal fans need to get off their high horses and realise there is more than one way of playing football.

Not every team in the Premier League, let alone the rest of English football, has the resources to scour the globe for the best talent and weave it together under the tutelage of one of the world's best coaches in Arsene Wenger.

So sometimes opponents play to their strengths by being solid and competitive, and attempt to pinch a point against one of the best footballing teams in the world.

That is what Stoke tried to do on Wednesday night at the Emirates but you would have thought the Gunners were up against Satan's XI the way Arsenal fans were booing at Tony Pulis's players, tactics or tackles.

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no_more_heroes4853d ago

I'd be far more accepting if it didn't seriously injure us EVERY time. That's certainly my beef. Fulham don't exactly play Tiki-Taka football, but they're one of my favorite teams other than Arsenal and Barcelona.

rafay4853d ago

Which player did they injure this time?

zootang4853d ago (Edited 4853d ago )

This is why Arsenal haven't beat us (Man Utd) in 4 years. We know how to grind results.

rafay4853d ago

That kind of stuff happens all the time. Nothing serious about that. That is a hazard of playing football.

kulka4853d ago

You need to beat all types of teams and their diffrent styles of play to win the league just like Liverpool few years back beat all the top teams but could not break down team's like Stoke and other's we finished second by the way