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World Football: Identifying the Next 15 Xavis and Iniestas

So Barcelona is at it again! They're tearing apart opponents in Spanish League and domestic competitions as well as in the UEFA Champions League after last week's humbling of Arsene Wenger's Arsenal team.

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nieuwland144834d ago

these two players are two of the best players in history.

hendrikmaster4834d ago

agreed and giggs of course :)

zootang4834d ago

and Scholes of course. Iniesta, Xavi and Zidane all admire him.

Big_Dom4833d ago

Best midfield partnership, maybe. Best individual players? No.

LOL and Giggs being mentioned in the comments above. Great player, but best ever? Wise up. Giggs is a model professional which most players should aspire to be like. That is all.

zinedine4834d ago

Xavi and Iniesta motivate and inspire beautiful football, I hope more of this kind of player become professionals.

kulka4834d ago

Xavi and Iniesta are dictating the game against any opponents that makes them the best there is Xavi is just pure class

zeddy4834d ago

jack wilshere is the only one i can see becoming as good as these two and he's only 18, with fabregas and nasri(playing in midfield)the gunners wil be realy good next season.

united desperatly need someone else who has composure on the ball cause scholes is 36 and fletcher, gibson and anderson arent players with a lot of composure, its why we cant keep the ball 2 minutes when under pressure.

Yi-Long4834d ago

... as far as I'm concerned, that's one of the biggest talents playing on the european fields today.

Very very impressive young fella.

Big_Dom4833d ago (Edited 4833d ago )

Liverpool youngster Suso looks in the same mould as Xavi. What, you don't believe me? Check him on Youtube.