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Barcelona now mocking Real Madrid with bus ads

It's now looking very likely that Barcelona and Real Madrid will play four Clasicos in 18 days (one league match, the Copa del Rey final and a Champions League semifinal), so Barca has started the mind games with the help of local public transportation. Together with partner Assistencia health care, Barca has put together ads that show five of the team's players each holding up all five fingers on one hand with the word "units" (Catalan for "united") spelled out on their palms.

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lukie1224810d ago

Haha they don't need the mocking..

zootang4810d ago

Why are they advertising my team?

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!

GJ234810d ago

Thats gonna get them angry. Gonna be a messy clasico next time

nieuwland144809d ago

Hopefully no fights it would be a waste...

kerrak4810d ago

1-It's not Barcelona, it's a medical company that makes the advert.
2-This medical company has been official sponsor of FCB for lots of years
3-Barcelona has scored 5 goals or more 9 times this season
Madrid press is showing their inferiority complex and egocentrism.

Senden4810d ago (Edited 4810d ago )

Tbh, I think Barcelona have been mocking Real Madrid for the last few years. Each year madrid spends millions and millions with their Golaticos or whatever it's called mentality and still can't win nothing of substance. On the other side you have a team that has invested not even half as much yet produce the goods year in year out.

Not to mention the rivalry between Ronaldo and Messi. Ronaldo waltz on into Madrid with his big ego thinking he'd regain his "world's best player" status and Messi has completely outshone him since his move. Not to say he's a bad player but blooming hell, he's the biggest ego maniac i've seen on the pitch.. his body language, facial expressions and reaction to just about everything makes me want to punch him.

KingsCross4809d ago

I couldnt agree more. But the importance of Ronaldo in Real this season has been huge. He has made 28 goals in 28 matches ion la liga, and in the start of the season, when Real was having a hard time playing well, he did the 3-points himselves.

Messi has a more pleasent job in Barca, with a team full of stars plying nice football toghetter and working hard.
Still, I agree with you, Messi is alone on the top as the best player in the world. Who would doubt that?

lukie1224809d ago

Messi is "the best" but still he still has a lot to learn and maybe he could learn from ronaldo and ronaldo from him? That combination would be immense!

sokrates4809d ago (Edited 4809d ago )

Outshone? He has been bether, but in my opinion its a close race between the two of them.

GJ234809d ago (Edited 4809d ago )

I have to disagree with the "biggest ego maniac" bit

I think ballotelli is more of an ego maniac in all fairness.

One of his comments -
"There's only one that is a little stronger than me: Messi. All the others are behind me"

Senden4809d ago

Fair point, Balotelli actually is, plus he's easier to hate too I guess. His facial expressions don't show his ego so much as he just doesn't seem to enjoy his football like Ronaldo does.

karim4809d ago

Can't wait for the El Classico !

Newsboy4809d ago

Me nether great games, hopefully Barca takes the win at all 4!

Sahil4809d ago

Not sure about all 4 but if they take the win next week at bernabeau in the league, then all the confidence in the world would be at barcelona's feet. No one left to challenge for the league title.

Senden4809d ago

El Classico? You mean the El Classicos? 4 freaking games OOO YEAH!

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