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DTotD: Iniesta gives Guardiola a scare

During Barcelona's 3-1 win over Almeria last weekend, Andres Iniesta got a little wound up and overanxious to clear a ball that was already going out. And when he did clear it, he blasted it right by Pep Guardiola, who was standing a few feet away in his designated area. It's hard to tell if the ball hit Pep from the angles in the clip, but he did try to take cover before turning around to give Iniesta a silly reaction as if to say, "Calm it down, little vampire."

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lukie1224806d ago (Edited 4806d ago )

Haha, Barca's coach is scared for the ball...

Sahil4806d ago (Edited 4806d ago )

Nobody wants to miss the el clasico specially when you are a manager of one of the clubs :)