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Man United Ready to Spend £85m to Secure Dream Signing

Manchester United will have to cough up a staggering £85million if they want to sign Wesley Sneijder from Inter Milan this summer.

That’s the financial package Sir Alex Ferguson will have to sanction if he wants to make Dutch international Sneijder the new Paul Scholes.

Ferguson has been on Sneijder’s tail for two years and thought he could grab the 26-year-old star last June after Jose Mourinho left Inter Milan for Real Madrid and former Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez took over at the San Siro.

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nieuwland144788d ago

almost more than ronaldo.

zico4788d ago

Rumor! Alex will never sign Sneijder!


For £85m he definitley isn't.

The_Nameless_One4787d ago

With you on that one. Alex will never pend that much for one player. Plus I really don't think Sneijder will do very well at Man U.

I_find_it_funny4786d ago (Edited 4786d ago )

Not gonna happen, Sneijder is way too crucial for Inter Milan, it's more likely for Moratti to buy someone to play along Sneijder than sell the Dutchan.

It's possible but very unlikely, would be epic fail from Inter for any price, you can't just replace Sneijder

Anderson84787d ago

i think he will as we need a quality creative midfielder and he's already expressed his interest in joining united

mastiffchild4787d ago

Not at that price, not a hope in hell. Fergie isn't mental and you'd need to be to pay that for Wesley-he's a good player but nowhere near worth £85million. Utd might go to £35mill but no more for a player unproven in the EPL.

Even Chelsea spending so much on Torres is NO guide as January signings are ALWAYS nearly double what they'd be in a summer market-so not even a gag about "well if Nando's worth THAT...etc" really works. Not that Torres even looks much like wanting to play football at the minute-let alone finding his old form.

Anderson84787d ago

nah definitely not for 85mil only ronaldo or messi would be worth that ridiculous some of money.. i think even 35mil is a stretch,, we should be looking at 20-25 at the most

4787d ago
Anderson84787d ago

loool 85million.. united would never spend that on a player let alone sneijder.. we should definitely buy him but no more than 25mil

Infernostew4787d ago

Our midfield needs a big boost. That's been our weak spot all season. 85mil is not gonna happen for one player but I can see us dishing out 85mil for multiple signings over the summer.

Rob9464787d ago

haha 85million for him seriously that's just crazy think what u cud do with that money. Id say spend no more then 25million on him.

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