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Highlights: Manchester United 1-2 Juventus (Gary Neville Testimonial - 24/05/11)

1-0 W. Rooney 19'
1-1 S. Pepe 39'
1-2 J. Donato 78'

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no_more_heroes4765d ago (Edited 4765d ago )

That free kick to win it was sweet!

zootang4765d ago

Great game to watch. Brought back some good memories and Becks could still cut it.

karim4765d ago

Bebe no doubt is the man of the match !

zootang4765d ago

Yeah, he worked his socks off! You saw him everywhere. Shame about some of his touches though. That will come good with match practice.

freeduck4764d ago

Why did ManU play Juventus?


same here...I would have loved it if it where a english team..One of the big four....It will b nice for man u to play a friendly against liverpool after we just overtook there record :D

Loserpool :p

Chidori4764d ago

The Title of the article says "Gary Neville Testimonial". Read it next time.

no_more_heroes4764d ago (Edited 4764d ago )

Yes, but he has a point. Of all teams, why Juventus? Not that there's anything wrong with that, just wondering. Could they have done an Old Man Utd vs New Man Utd?

freeduck4764d ago

I know it was his testimonial....

That doesn't answer my question
Of all teams, why Juventus

Anderson84764d ago

neville liked juventus and always wanted to emulate their old style of play and what not thats why he chose them

no_more_heroes4764d ago

Fair enough. Wish it was the Old Man Utd vs New Man Utd though. We'd get to see just how the two compare (even though I'm not sure how fair it is to put energizer bunnies up against 1000 year-old tortoises.