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England U21 score a stunning team goal in training

Manchester United youngster Tom Cleverley got the final touch, but it was fine build-up play in two-touch training and bodes well for Sunday’s must-win match against the Czech Republic.

At England Under-21 training today there was also a rather amusing Ouch! involving Fabrice Muamba and the unfortunate Jason Steele.

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no_more_heroes4740d ago (Edited 4740d ago )

They'll need to do both things against the Czech Republic tomorrow...

zootang4739d ago

Tom Cleverley and Danny Wellbeck future United stars. Why Cleverley never played in the last game amazes me?

RedDragan4739d ago

That Scott Sinclair bloke looks better than all of them though, he should the be first name on the starting team list.

Dare I say it, he looks like the first real left sided midfielder/attaching midfielder England has had in many years.

His first touch is great and his passing along the floor, correctly weighted, accurate and threads between defender. Not mention that kid can bleeding move and keep the ball at his feet at the same time while not looking scared when closed down.

Chelsea must be kicking themselves he went for so cheap.

RedDevils4739d ago

because Pearce think the guy who weight 20 million pound is better than him lol

freeduck4740d ago

If England does not put a good performance against Czech then they really need a new manager. England U21 has such a talented squad and if Stuart Pierce can't get the best of them (like Capello with the senior squad), then he should leave

RedDragan4739d ago

As talented as some of the other teams there? Not so sure about that, England U-21 has a few good players but others look distinctly average.

kulka4739d ago (Edited 4739d ago )

England always has good defenders and attackers but lack creativity in midfield hope Wilshere changes that

RedDevils4739d ago

I think England played too direct which is the same with the senior squad, whenever they face world class opponent they got easily expose

FlashXIII4739d ago

England's problem (under 21 team at least) is their inability to adapt (think a lot of the blame lays with Pearce). Against Ukraine there was far too many long balls.. this might have worked well back with Carrol in the side but Welbeck isn't the best in the air and Sturridge has poor control. They have some quality players in their side and with Henderson and Rodwell, I can't see why they can't keep the ball on the ground and let the likes of Welbeck, Sturridge, Sinclair run at defenders?

Also I agree with reddragon, Sinclair should be first team.

Sahil4739d ago

Nice goal.. they should try and make this happen in a regular match

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