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Marek Hamsik is worth more than AC Milan's Alexandre Pato - Napoli president

Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis has made it clear that there will be no swap involving Marek Hamsik and AC Milan striker Alexandre Pato.

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The Hunter4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

What? Is he crazy? If I will be offered PATO instead of Hamsik.. I already make the deal! Look at this stats:

Pato played: 21 || 15 goals
Hamsik played: 44 || 14 goals

Now that is intresting! The only disadvantage is that PATO is often injured..

But you know, this is only said to lift his transfer fee..

no_more_heroes4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

Yep. I'm certain he doesn't really mean it. This is his way of showing Hamsik how much he means to the club. Managers and board members will say the damnedest things to show loyalty or raise the profile/price of their players.

RedDevils4737d ago (Edited 4737d ago )

But you do know Hamsik and Pato played a completely different position one is a CAM who dictate the team play, and the other is a ST/WF whose job is suppose to score, and yes the price will be lower for player who is an injury prone than the one who can play a full season

liyaqim4736d ago

good news, new fashion items .

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