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Highlights: Brazil 0-0 Paraguay (Pen 0-2)(Copa America Quarter-Finals - 17/07/2011)

Brazil is knocked out by Paraguay after a disappointing penalty shootout

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sdtarm4711d ago

Justo Villar was definitely the player of the match,

no_more_heroes4711d ago

Didn't you know that he's only half human? His dad was a squid.


jak3y13oy4711d ago

the first penalty went over the stadium...
if I were Brazil.. I would be ashamed...

zico4710d ago

why? Biggest footballnation ever!! And why do everybody expected gold or finaleplace every time... How many Euro gold do England have?

Good to see that Copa America isn`t only about Brazil and Argentina!

sokrates4710d ago

They should be! Compared to how much they train, the should at least hit the bare once or twice...:)

Sahil4711d ago

Copa america of GKs.. first muslera then villar..

crazyturkey4711d ago

Now if only Arsenal could get one of these GKs to give competition to Szczesny(hope I spelled it right) I'll be happy.

Anderson84711d ago

so its not just england that are shit at penalties.. i feel better now.. well ...not realy

crazyturkey4711d ago (Edited 4711d ago )

Just as I predicted Brazil out. LoL at the Brazilian penalty kicks.

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