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Autograph hunters jump on the Manchester United team bus

Check out the bemused look on the Red Devils players' face as the fans strike lucky.

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CherryLu-Chan4706d ago

Apparently they misunderstood the term 'debt pile on' ;)

zootang4706d ago

Is that suppose to be funny? You do know we are the worlds most valuable sports brand!

In Sir Alex I Trust, United We Stand!

genocidegeneral2154706d ago

it was a joke ,
why are you always so defensive? Lol

zootang4706d ago


Really not needed on a charitable article such as this. Also I don't appreciate lies and propaganda being spread about my club.

genocidegeneral2154706d ago

thats dead nice of united to do that!
they women couldnt look more chuffed :D

zeddy4705d ago

never seen any team let their fans on the bus before! even though there were only 6 people, not sure they would done the same if there was a hundred.

most on the team are playing nintendo 3ds including rafeal and fabio at the back of the bus!