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Fergie queries Hargreaves view

Sir Alex Ferguson has backed Manchester United's "brilliant" medical team after Owen Hargreaves hit out at the treatment he received from them.

Hargreaves, who made an outstanding goalscoring debut for rivals Manchester City on Wednesday night, claimed he felt like a "guinea pig" during four injury-plagued seasons at Old Trafford as he was given several injections which he believes actually hindered his recovery.

But the United manager responded on Friday morning, saying that although he did not know the specifics of Hargreaves' treatment, he had complete faith in the club's doctors.

"We're trying to analyse all the stuff he has said and there will be a statement later to address that," Ferguson said.

"As far as I am concerned, my medical staff is one of the main reasons why we have been so successful over the last few years.

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KingsCross4643d ago

Ferguson is paid to defend his own. He does his job well, but it doesnt mean he is right in what he says.

buddymagoo4643d ago

Open your eyes! Even the best knee doctor in the world Dr Steadman said his (Hargreaves) was the worst case he had ever seen.

We let him go because we had youth coming through.

mastiffchild4643d ago

If you read more of what Hargreaves is on about you might find his complaint is just that Utd tried to rush him back a bit and IF they'd already rushed him back once or twice before Steadman saw the knee then maybe they could be a little, or totally culpable. I'm not saying who's right and who's wrong but logic isn't always boss of a club when an injury crisis hits as they will do anything to get players back in the squad regardless of whether it be UtD, Barca, my side Chelsea or anyone out there taking the risk.

Sadly, players tend to want to hear the "yes, you can play again" a little too much and as a result are often part of ruining their own careers and having heard how Terry has often said he was fit to play(knowing, really, he wasn't) just shows how much these guys, whatever they get paid and risk losing, just want to play at the end of the day. I doubt anyone ever thought they were risking ending Owen's career but if they had done then he was prolly also to blame for being equally hasty in his desires to get back on a pitch in the past.

ProjectVulcan4643d ago (Edited 4643d ago )

I think all logic points towards Man Utd doing everything in their powers to make him fit, and the comment about Steadman's opinion should tell everyone how bad the injury was.

I believe this could have easily been orchestrated by Manchester City Press officers. Ferguson accused them of being small minded in their treatment of the Tevez transfer saga, well i wouldn't put it past them to have used this as another veiled pop at United...

xX_Altair_Xx4643d ago

They paid £17m for him and continued to pay him a high wage for two years. It was in Utd's interest to have him back fit. To suggest they werent trying they're hardest is ridiculous.

mjsmufc994643d ago

Paid his wages for 3 years 80 grand A week, then first chance he gets to speak he criticises us! He's gone way down in my estimation now.

Why o why4643d ago (Edited 4643d ago )

Arsenal fan, no axe to grind. Hargreaves is full of sh1t and disrespectful . He took all that money whilst sitting down and this is how he shows his gratitude...pfttt. Utd took a punt on him and obviously wanted him to play. Yes they may of made some errors during those years but c'mon man, show some decorum